Four Times The Stomach

I am ready.

I think.

I know.

I know?

SO I'm all prepared mentally to tell Jenny. Only problem is she's so preoccupied with her girlfriend.

I mean CONSTANTLY. Which I am obviously happy for her about. I mean she's had such awful relationships with girls before who just walked all over her. She's so giving of her heart (which is why I feel comfortable about telling her) and that, of course, made her vulnerable to dickheads. 

Her current girlfriend is wicked and I enjoy her company. But I kinda need to be alone with her, but whenever I try and organise time to meet up she's already busy. Its like any spare time is for her g/f.

It's no big and there is certainly no rush. Its just annoying atm!

Second. Seeing my family the other day was the most (halairious) re-energising thing ever. I definately needed it. I forget just how much of an effect they have on me. For the past couple times I have been down home I have been imagining telling her. Telling any of them...

I couldn't visualise it before. In the atmosphere I couldn't even imagine the words leaving my mouth. But this time I felt compelled AND relaxed. Like it was going to burst out of me with the next bout of laughter. Even better I got the vibe that if I had it would have gone down pretty well. I'm learning to trust my gut a little more.

I really want to tell my mum and Jenny. I feel like this is the next step. Even if it isn't the logical one.... I don't know.

Thirdly. Guess who wont stop texting me...?



After the way he spoke to me on Sunday I had made no effort to reply. I had to get my head back together.

He bugged me with messages on Monday until I finally replied.

But I'm taking a step back. Clearly things are moving too fast for me. I think he can sense that. He's being a lot more compassionate. Checking I'm alright. Asking what I'm up to...

Everything about him is apologetic. So I think he got the message.

The act needs to change.


Ben has invited me up to Manchester for a house party at his on Friday. No big.

I messaged him asking what time to come...

'whenever, if u come early its fine, I'm still off uni until monday so we can always just have a wander round or something, so upto you =) and it would be nice to see you. x'

It would be nice to see you too....


Maybe I should tell him? (that I'm bi, not that I'm a catastrophically infatuated with him)

I mean, dear god I know he would accept it.

Or it could be really awkward and the elephant in the room would swell to double its size...

I'll just play by ear...

Like I said. I'm learning to trust my gut.

I'm trying to.

I might still end up being wrong.

But it's still better than failing to stomach it and beating myself up with possibilities.



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Ready. Willing. Able?

I find this gets more poignant with every passing year. J'adore India.Arie.

Didn't go out tonight. Alex has started DJing at Mission's 'homo' night. I don't really want to see him at the moment. 

I'm really scrambled atm. Mainly because my sleep patterns are leaping off the straight and narrow... lol hopefully change back soon...

I'm spending a day with my family tomorrow which should give me some chillout time before going back to uni... 

Thanks for the feedback guys. Really needed the support this weekend lol.

A post of more substance tomorrow no doubt... =)


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You know you're the bitch when...

'Hey Sammy, You decided when ur cumin over? ;)'

'Er... dunno yet, Sunday night? Unless your working Mon??'

'Sun's kl. Text me when u know times and shpiz xx'

'kk x'

'Hey, just checked trains, I can get in around sixish? that kl?? x'

'If your busy that's kl...?'

'No I'm not busy? Are you busy??'



'Sorry mr. Problem today. Next week?'




All I know is this is the first time he's treated me like I'm dispensable. I keep getting vibes that I shouldn't be handing my virginity over to Alex the way that I appear to be.

Maybe it's ridiculous, but I want to wait for someone that matters to me? or I'm at LEAST dating?!

Isn't that normal?


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"The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Learn Is To Love And Be Loved In Return"
- Baz Luhrman's Moulin Rouge

I have been putting off telling this story since I started this blog; mainly because I know it could potentially be the longest I ever write. But I am thinking it will help me in my decision making at the moment so, in apology, this is my therapy.

This blog, this place I'm in mentally, and physically. Is tracable to two pivotal people.

In terms of timeline, the second influence was Alex, for reasons I have already explained, he is certainly responsible for the physical awakening.

But the first influence was/is Ben and he has certainly forced me to address myself mentally...

In June 2008, me and my friends went a two week 'Lads' holiday abroad, we kept the numbers small so four of us went from 6th form. Me, Dave, Tim and Ben.

I loosely knew Ben from sixth form, he was really friendly, funny. Aside from being present when he came out to our friendship group two summers before, I had rarely interracted with him. We had no shared classes, we just shared a (pretty large) circle of friends. He was close with Tim and Dave and he seemed pretty easy to get along with; so I didn't mind that I didn't know him as well as the other two.

We went on the holiday and I remember the first night we were there we went to one of the small bars in the village we were staying. We had a really good night. We made friends with the owner, had a laugh - it was wicked.

I remember at one point for some reason I left the bar on my own, (on the phone to home?) and walked up the road talking and eventually sat on a wall at the top of the street.

After a while Ben came up the road alone looking for me. He sat beside me on the concrete wall and we talked.

Getting to know you conversation really. I became aware of just how similar we were. Mentally that is. Morals, ideals, approaches, concerns, weaknesses. But our interests, talents and general life circles never touched common ground.

As far as I am concerned the ingredients for any kind of positive relationship.

We shortly remet our other two friends (they called to find us, we'd been gone for over 40 mins...) so we headed home.

Ben and I stayed up all night out on the balcony. We discussed him and his life and me and mine. 6th form. Uni. Hopes. Ambitions. Textbook stuff.

Unintentionally we stumbled on the subject of my romantic life being pretty shit. I mentioned that I was thinking about breaking up with my then girlfriend when I got back. He understood. Worse. He could relate. It meant I wasn't crazy. Great.

We talked about his issues with his family. His coming out. He got emotional. With my arm on his shoulder I consoled him. Just as he had done for me.

It is here I would like to ressurrect my point about attraction. Naturally different things attract different people. In addition I feel The same things attract the same person. Everytime. Without fail.

With some people the link is obvious. Normally if your type can be distinguished physically.

"She only dates blondes"
"He went black, never went back"
"She's a duracell bunny"

Myself. I have fancied blondes, I have dated redheads and after I went black I was happy to come back - so I can honestly say it is not just about looks for me.

I am a sucker for honesty.

I am so intolerant of bullshitters that there are surprisingly few people I am ever attracted to. Properly. I would say about 3% of the population. Male or Female. I am attracted to genuine people.

So whether it was Ben speaking honestly to me about my relationship. Or breaking down about his mothers harsh demeanor, the bottom line was; I was unavoidably and expectedly attracted to him.

I've been attracted to guys before (obv) so it didn't scare me or make me feel awkward. But I went through that stage where I couldn't help looking at him. It didn't help that we were constantly half naked around each other in the heat, or in the sea... I couldn't stop myself.

We spent a lot of time together. We just had so much in common, it was like discovering a best friend, but with a heated undertone.

There was a lot, of what seemed like, flirty banter. As much as I kept rationalising everything he said to me, to prevent myself reading into things... there were some things I couldn't quite brush off... 

One night we were REALLY drunk and we were all playing music really loud. Tim and Dave were on the XBOX and me and Ben were singing at the top of our voices behind them. Some dirty club song came on and he pulled me over to him. He started grinding me. Actually FULL ON grinding me. I have never danced with a guy like that. We were laughing. Making it seem as normal as possible. I avoided his eye contact throughout, I didn't trust myself to lock eyes with him.

'You're a great dancer, You'd make a great gay guy.'

I looked at him then. I expressed what I hoped was confusion on my face and not the Hope, Lust and Defensiveness that was stormtrooping its way through my hindered conciousness.

After that day, for the rest of the holiday, we both kept a distance from each other. Well, he kept his distance from me, no matter how much I found myself being drawn toward him. (then dragging myself away).

By the second to last day I was so confused and mixed up. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I had only just met him. (The worst part about being an overly rational person is that when something happens that you don't allow yourself to explore; you freak out...) I was SO confused.

I went out onto the balcony, in what I felt was a subtle manner. nevertheless a few minutes later Ben came out onto the balcony and asked me if I was alright. It was the first time we'd been alone together properly since the first night. It was obvious, regardless of whether he felt anything for me or not, that he was aware of it too. I can't explain. Anyway....

He sat next to me and told me not to say anything and hugged me. He didn't ask me why I was upset, but I gave him some stupid reason anyway (???)

We started talking. About everything (we even covered astro-physics... seriously, Ben is a genius...). Even more than the first night. Tim came out onto the balcony at 3 am, to tell us it was 3 am and sat in on the conversation. We had to change the conversations nature then. I think we both felt a little gutted. Dave came a few seconds later, asking about the Maxibon bar in the fridge and then sat out with us. We talked more and watched the sun come up. Then went to bed.

Months past and I met Ben in a club, by accident, back home. I had got seperated from my friends, so I joined his. We started dancing together and this time I started grinding him. He quickly reciprocated and it was though I was this completely different person. It was... wow.....?

We went to Mac Donalds and Ben basically started breaking down our friends in attractiveness (his other friend had asked him to). I asked him to rate us all (1 - poor 10- perfect... I'm sure we're all familiar with the similar...) he gave most of our friends an eight or seven in most categories.

"You Sam... definite ten in personality. Nine in looks. Nine in the body."

I was like "really? (hallelujah?) doubt it"

"Yeah definately!" and went on to list off the reasons for the ratings.

But the whole time there was this matter-of-factly vibe to his talk. That made it difficult to ascertain whether he was speaking from personal opinion or factual observation. I wanted it to be his opinion...

He ended up coming to my house to stay because he couldn't find his other friend (turns out she'd gone home to shag some random girl from the club...) 

Because I was using my sister's old room there was only a single bed. We're both pretty tall so we couldn't share it. I searched the house and found the double blow-up bed. I figured I'd give that to him and I'd sleep on the single. SO while he went to the bathroom, got ready, I was using the footpump to spring the bed to life... He came in and asked me how far along the blowing up process was... I looked up and he was stood, in nothing but his boxers, staring at the bed. I took the time to look him up and down.

I had obviously seen him like this before. But never when we were alone. In a bedroom. Weird. Good Weird.

I started getting ready for bed. He got in the bed. I pulled out my sleeping bag to sleep on the single bed in the corner of the room. He turned to me

'Wait. Where are you sleeping?'

'Here?' I indicated to the single bed.


He sounded dissapointed. I think he did. My God, who knows.

I lay in the single bed, mentally beating the shit out of myself.

What would have happened if I had got into bed with him.

I didn't even think it would be okay to get into bed with him?

Maybe thats why he came to mine and not Gemmas? Maybe he thought we would....?

Doubt it. It's not like that. Is it? Of course it is. Nope you're reading too much into it!

I do that occasionally in case you can't tell...

That was the last time I saw him single. I saw him a few months later, and a few weeks ago. 

He's still with his boyf and I am still kicking the shit out of myself in a mental battlefield I created for my sexuality... Fuck You Ben.


Now you're up to date.


and I promise; I will try not to do this to you again....

SO how's your LL going??


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Pushing Buttons

Over the past few days I feel like the universe has been taking the piss a little bit.

Thursday I was asked out at work by the hottest customer (looked just like Jake Gyllenhaal; seriously!) - I said no...

Friday night the fittest gay redhead came in and kept complimenting my butt (my waist is a little slim, so my jeans always sit under my bum... it isn't a deliberate gangsta-ism...... or rent-boy-ism!) and was asking the other staff members if I was gay too and if they thought he was my type. - I couldn't really follow him up on it.

and just when I was feeling a little bit shit about the whole thing

Today I go into SPAR (a corner shop to the non-brits...?), I was stood in the line and this blonde guy came in, he was beautiful, deep blue eyes, a skater-ish look about him, with Westwood boots on (I dont have gaydar, but even I know that's a dead giveaway, no matter how deceptive he looked... :) ). I glanced at him and he was already looking at me. I smiled and he smiled too. We still kept eye contact, longer than any normal people would have. I was the first to break.

After I bought my stuff, I went to leave and I watched him in the reflection of the door. He was watching me leave. Actually WATCHING.

As the door closed I looked behind me through the glass. He glanced from the corner of his eye, I guess trying to make out he hadn't been looking. The assistant had to speak to get his attention.


Now I don't want to create the image that this is a regular occurence. It REALLY isn't. Which is why I'm convinced something higher than me is having a laugh with my airtight chastity 'atm'.

Not gonna lie, it was exciting.

But now I'm extremely frustrated and I'm supposed to be going out with my (lesbian) friend Jenny for her girlfriends birthday on Monday and they are going out 'on the gay'. When Jenny asked me I could tell she had a bit of an alterior motive for inviting me (I'm convinced she knows... I'm probably being paranoid.) I dunno...

But I was promising myself I wasn't going to give anything away, but I'm worried that once I'm drunk I might end up doing something stupid.... I don't want me getting off with some guy to be my way of telling her..!

Jeezus. I'm horny. Not gonna lie.

I'm looking forward to my first time going out in the gay district here though!

I'm hopeless...


p.s. I'm currently writing the EPIC story that is Ben. Which is why I haven't posted in a while.... lol THAT'll be a fun read...

p.p.s I have had SO much sugar the past two days. I just ate a whole packet of revels and I'm buzzin... so sorry if this reads as a little hyper... it's 'cos I am...

so tired...

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Sitting In A Tree

Sam's boyfriend came and surprised him at work Saturday night. He came in with his friends, ordered drinks and Sam introduced me to him (his name is Owen and from all I've heard about him he seems like a great guy). On his break Sam joined him on the other side of the bar and they had a few drinks together.

I didn't sit perving over them or anything, but from what I could see they were intimate and lovely. Sam had a goofy smile on his face the whole time, as did Owen. They weren't lusting over each other all the time, they were just loved up.

I've never used the phrase 'loved up' before, mainly because I have never understood what it meant. But I have a feeling this was it. They were so happy and so comfortable. They were clearly in that stage of the relationship where the honeymoon period was over and you know the person fully. From what I could see they were completely happy together.

It was what I had been imagining for myself but I had never really, truly seen it with my own eyes.

It made me feel more assertive about the decisions I'm facing.

If I want it, then I feel like I need to start making the relevant steps.

I'm going to start making a change...

I'm shitting it.


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The Poem

Have you ever been treated to a genuine act of kindness?

The bar I work at has regulars. One of them; Michael, comes in everyday, around 5 o'clock for a pint and to do the metro-crossword with me or the other Sam (when we're in). He is a vicar and he is openly gay. 

One time Michael asked me and Sam (also gay) to go for a drink when I first started working there. After half an hour in his company I was so comfortable in his presence. You get the feeling you can tell him anything. Same with Sam - and that was when I told them that I was attracted to other men. In retrospect those two were the first people I ever came out to.


Anyway, since then I have spoken to him nearly every time I've had the dayshift. I discuss a lot of things, including my sexual status and issues and somehow it always makes me feel better. He's a brilliant listener and, though he says very little, he is always supportive. (I should probably note that I am certainly not attracted to Michael, he just a great friend.)

I remember a few days ago I was talking to him about stuff and I told him about my grandmother, from my Caribbean side. She was extremely catholic and I remember in her house there was a poster of a poem on the wall; about a man that dreamed he walked down a beach with God as scenes of his life flashed by. I really liked the poem and it is something I have always associated with her. Firstly because I haven't come across it again since she died in 1996 and secondly; I was young so it's hard to recollect much else about her...

He was looking at me strangely so I made a joke about how my Carribbean family all seemed to have the same tacky religious keepsakes in their houses (true) and the conversation moved on.

I came into work last night and Suzi - a girl from work - gave me a folded up piece of paper that had been left addressed to me

On the back it said:

'Sorry I couldn't get a poster sized one. - Michael' 

and inside was a small, wallet sized, embossed card. On its front was a picture of a beach and on the reverse was the poem I had told him about...

I was speechless.


No-one has ever done something that thoughtful for me. Despite there is certainly nothing romantic between us, I can honestly say it was the most romantic thing anyone has done for me!

I keep it in my wallet and I don't think I will ever take it out.

It stands as a reminder that I am supported. And in a way valuable.

The timing couldn't be better...


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The List

Remember when you were 13 years old and you were writing a list of invites to a party?

You'd fill your mind with all the politics of the invites. If I invite X then Y and Z will have to come too or I don't want A there but if not, B wont come at all...

The amount of people on the list would fluctuate between every man and his dog; to just you and the twiglets.

Well I have been writing a 'hypothetical' list of people I would and would not come out to and it feels exactly the same.

I spent so long over it that I just had to put it down here to see it in bold text...

I realised that my life is pretty clean cut into separate circles.

My Family. (Immediate and extended)
My Work mates. (Music and Bar)
My Course mates. 
My 'Old' friends. 
My House mates.

The drama is working who to tell and why. Personally I don't feel like its EVERYONES business. But seeing as the circles I'm in are pretty social, I have to account (as best as possible) for the domino effect...


My Family:
I would tell the immediate and then consult my mum on the rest. If I tell my Mum I'd have to tell my Dad too, which is acceptable. My brother is least likely to get it, mainly because he's a definate 'LAD LAD LAD' and despite being brought up with my mother who specialises in teaching sexual health, his mates have certainly jaded his view on what not being straight is about. My sister, probably most liberal and accepting, would have to be told at the same time as my brother. I am hoping at thirteen she is old enough to understand?

The bar knows, they were the safest circle because they all understand and most are in the same boat or have been so... good times. Unfortunately this does not really facilitate me acting on my identity so despite being helpful, they were probably the least important on the scale. lol.

Music - I'm not going to tell them, unless I reach the point that I have a boyfriend or something, we never discuss that kind of thing so I guess; unless they bring it up, I'm not making a beacon of myself.

I'm close to my whole course (its very small, so everyones pretty tightly knit) but there are two people I would want to tell, my friend Jenny (lesbian) and Catrina (Bi). They would never tell people, mainly because they have been in similar situations themselves... (side note: Jenny may already suspect? I hope so... life would be easier)

'Old' friends:
My friends from back home are the complicated ones. Despite the fact Ben and I have moved to separate cities for uni; the rest of them stayed in our city for uni, so we are very much still a unit.

Tim, Dave, Jake, Charlie and Ben. (And my best friend Andrea, from childhood, we are incredibly similar and interestingly not only do I believe she knows, but I suspect she may be in the same boat...? But she isn't part of the circle I'm referring to) 

Ben is gay. So telling him would be easiest. But I just can't roll up and declare it, no matter how much I want to believe it will be no surprise (I promise to tell that story soon).

Tim is great. He'll get it. Aside from Ben I believe he would be the most normal about it. I also believe he will be most reluctant to accept it as a truth.

Dave is pretty self-absorbed so he'll brush it off like anything else. He's got his own issues.

Jake and I are very similar in tastes and opinions. Except on one topic. Three guesses which.... He has such an abject fear of being mislabelled 'gay' that he rarely assosiates with Ben (I do think it's entirely subconcious though...) and I would like to avoid similar treatment.

Charlie, (previously posted about my first gay experience with him) though understanding, and apparently straight; is an incredible drama queen with information like this. When Ben came out he just kept worrying about whether he was safe, and whether he was 'being safe' - though helpful, this is the type of thing you expect to hear from your mother and I certainly wouldn't tell him first because he is also incapable of keeping a secret.

My house mates.

So here's the deal. I want to have sex. I want to bring people home. I want to date. SO somewhere along this line it means I have to tell my flatmates SOMETHING. One of them is gay. Miki So thats no big deal- he'll be really supportive (I imagine?). The girls I live with could be weird about it, but I don't really talk to two of them anyway. But the third, Raquel, is a close friend. Me, Raquel and Miki are much closer now so I am hoping this will be good enough to drop the info...

Nothing is certain. But I guess it's time I started considering this thing properly.

It would be so much easier if I had a house to myself!

... But then I guess no man is an island?


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The First Step

"Ambivalence suggests strong feelings in opposition.

The prefix; as in ambidextrous, means "both". 

The rest of it, in Latin, means "vigour".

The word suggests that you are torn... ...between two opposing courses of action.

Will I stay or will I go?

Am I sane or am I crazy?"

- Girl, Interrupted.

I work at an Indie bar. Which, for those who are unsure, means that I spend my evenings working to The Killers, Daft Punk and Pendulum with a mixed bag of sexually diverse people.

Its a small place and we are very much like a family. Everyone, the managers, the staff, the regulars. I think the first screenplay I choose to write will certainly be about my time here.

Out of the 15 people on staff, 1 identifies as 'Gay' (also called Sam), 4 as Bisexual and a further 4 people have had sexual relationships with both Men and Women.

Up until 2 days ago, Only Sam knew about my sexual non-identity. A few of us went out to a nearby Indie bar after work. At one point on the dancefloor I was dancing with both my managers and barmaid from work (all female). I noticed a guy line up beside me and, while we were dancing, began speaking to me.

He asked me why I was out, who I was out with, if I liked this song, if I normally come out on a wednesday, if I wanted a drink. I was polite, I responded and I was slightly unsure why this guy was suddenly so present in my space.

It is here where I would like to highlight the fact I am NOT blessed with 'Gaydar'. Actually I am not blessed with any kind of sexual radar whatsoever. It means that even though I can sense something I am never sure whether its really there or I'm just jumping to conclusions; It also means people interpret me to be nonchalant when actually I'm just fucking clueless.

In retrospect it was pretty funny. This guy thought I was playing hard to get, I thought he was just being friendly and so naturally I was surprised when; as I announced my departure, he pulled me in for a kiss.

I pulled away. Truth be told I expected him to then become more pushy. Or angry. But he just said

'You don't want to kiss me do you? Sorry'

Which was the moment I realised how ridiculous it all was.

Of course I want to kiss you. In fact, as I have seen at least 4 other 'homo-kisses' here tonight, I feel like I should be contributing to the ambience if nothing else. My work-mates don't know that I would, but my knowledge would suggest that they certainly have no hang-ups about it. In fact the only reason I am not going to kiss you right now, is because...



It was a sobering epiphany. Remaining closeted isn't something I am doing FOR myself; It is something I am doing TO myself. I am driving myself CRAZY with sickening cabin fever and lucidly drifting through a shady half existence. For what? So I can pass up the chance to kiss an attractive person. So I can enjoy a perfectly executed career alone. So that when I meet people with wonderful talent and ability, but a fear-induced closed view of homosexuality I know I can be accepted by them.


The arguments aren't good enough. So what if I go to hell? If that's really the way it is; I would rather be in hell with all the people who thought for themselves, than in heaven with all the sheep. So what if I lose everything? I am confident I can get it back and if I spend the rest of my life avoiding risk I'm going to die never knowing why I even bothered surviving so long. It will certainly be my only regret and I would happily deal with everyone hating it if it means that I can finally be happy for myself. With myself.

I would like to say I kissed him.

I would like to say that.

Is that really such a mammoth thing to ask?


I hope you understand this is why I felt I had to tell someone. 

I had to. 

So I chose to tell the people I work with.

Most people had no idea, one of the girls suspected but everyone was more than fine with it. All the 'bi/gay' staff members talked about their own lives, experiences and opinions on their own sexuality and I honestly felt like at any moment I was either going to laugh out loud or bawl hysterically. I couldn't have asked for more support and I couldn't have agreed with them more.

The next day everyone was still kind of talking about it, (at work we are always talking about sexuality, its what you get when a bar is staffed by, what seems to be, the entire LGBT society...) subtly checking I was alright after the previous night's three hour discussion and I genuinely feel great. It strangely brought everyone even closer together and, completely unintentionally, I have discovered a small world where I can be myself and accepted, that is until I branch it out into the real one.

...Whenever that is... I'm not sure.

What I do know is; I'm certainly no longer ambivalent.

Sam In REAL Life.

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The Lowest Form Of Wit

Dear Ben

I guess I wanted to put this down to you. I DON'T love you.

I actually don't! I don't think about you, ever! and Pretty much since the day we stayed up all night talking on holiday I have never really thought about you...

I never think you lead me on and I love that you tell me things like 'You'd make a great gay guy' and 'I would definately rate you a ten' because I love being made to think about the possibility of us.

I think the idea of 'Us' is completely achievable without any hiccups and though there is no doubt in my mind you want to be with me, I certainly never fantasise about it.

I love that you have a boyfriend.

I love that we will probably never happen.

I love that your constantly on my mind.

Just so we're clear


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The Birthday Update

Hi. Im Sam.

I am now twenty years old.

SO here's a little catch-up...

I met with my producer this afternoon and we started discussing terms for a record deal, which has been really exciting, we start work on a new track tomorrow which is always fun but it means another hellish journey with national rail who, due to the snow, keep canceling journeys left right and centre. >:-(

I decided that Alex can wait a little longer, though I think he senses I am feeling the pressure (which actually isn't true, I feel much calmer - followed i_lk_me's advice so no more worries there... thanks!). He keeps sending me messages checking I'm okay, which is great, but spending the whole day with my parents meant I had to sneakily reply to messages etc. which I hate.

Truth be told, sneaking around behind your parents back is the type of thing you do when you are fourteen, its kind of a given. Now it just feels like a waste of time, and requires a lot of effort - not mention it makes me feel wrong, like I'm being underhanded.

To be honest the hardest part at the moment is not being able to tell the people closest to me about that I'm bi. I mean I can speak on here and it doesn't matter, and I already feel so much better just from venting a little, but these past few days with my friends and family for my birthday has been amazing. When I'm in that place I feel so good that I just want to bring it up and say it like its no big deal. Then, ideally; they reel back momentarily, they say something like 'about time' or 'yeah I thought so' and then the evening carries on...

But I don't dare

Mainly because I know there is a high chance that ISN'T how it will go down. The likelihood is that they WILL change. My career could be jeopardised and that is NOT good. Anything could happen. Which is unfair because it wont alter the way I am with ANYONE.

I think the only option I might consider is being selectively out. But that means I need to pick wisely - last thing I want is to tell some loud mouth - or worse; someone who doesn't understand the delicacy of the situation and blackmails me into coming out (both have happened to people I know... not good news).

But I am feeling so much more positive about this year and the future. The more I talk about it, the less scary it seems...

...I may just be making a breakthrough for the better...


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Mother and Father.

Regardless of preference; the phrase lends itself to the two people who can make or break you simply by being themselves...

My own parents are brilliant people. I'm starting to realize just how brilliant they are and I am more than happy with how our relationships have developed, however reluctantly, over the years.

I have deliberately worked at my relationship with my dad. Up until I was fifteen I was convinced we would never have anything in common, see eye to eye or even enjoy each others company.

Luckily, once again, Music made itself useful and gave us the common ground we needed to develop our embryonic relationship into something of substance.

Me and my mum understand each other well, I know I have the ability to speak her language and she definitely has the power to speak mine.

She always, like most mothers, knows what's going on with her children, without being invasive, or even asking us about it!

I have always thought that if I ever did 'come out' I wouldn't even have to say much.

I remember when I was twelve and I said - 'I really fancy someone at school and I don't know whether to ask them out.'

and she replied - 'Really? Is it a girl or a boy?'

Just like that. When she said it; she didn't seem concerned or worried or suspect. Just genuinely interested. It was like it actually made no difference to her...

I also remember, months later, I'd just started finding porn on the internet and so naturally I spent a lot of spare time at thirteen hunting through its nether-regions....

I had been looking at it for ages but had only recently started watching gay porn and my mum was only just figuring out how to use Internet Explorer properly.

Because I knew she was getting to grips with it, I knew I had to be more careful and make sure I was erasing the history so she wouldn't find anything. Plus I would only look at porn when I knew no-one was in the house so I was convinced my method was foolproof.

One day my mum came home early and I hadn't heard her, until she started walking up the stairs. I panicked and switched off the computer at the wall as quickly and quietly as I could and by the time she came in I was already pretending to be turning off the Playstation.

She greeted me as normal, complaining that I had been playing the Playstation when she left and moaning about some work she needed to get off the internet.

I acted nonchalant but panicked as I began to realise I hadn't cleared the history. I couldn't wait in the room to see if she would notice, so I made an excuse about being hungry and left...

About fifteen minutes later, when I had relaxed and began actually making some food she came downstairs. She went to put the kettle on and said, (in the voice you would use if you were talking about someone in the next room) -

'When you use the computer can you make sure you clear the history because I don't want your sister to accidentally see something she shouldn't'

Heart in throat, I have never blushed so instantly... I uttered a 'Yes' and she began talking to me about how ridiculous her day had been...

Its a weird position to be in.

Her behavior is certainly genuine, with no air of pretense or fakery. In which case it would seem that, historically, she is likely to accept the information the most willingly.

In many ways this is good to know.

I know people who have been is MUCH worse parental positions....

In other news.... It's my birthday!

I really want to get a new video camera, my old one is only windows compatible and the microphone is temperamental, but I haven't really had time to drop any significant hints so I guess I'll get what I'm given!

How's 2010 working out for you?


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I was thinking about friendship.

Specifically I was thinking about Ben and OUR friendship.

It occurred to me that he is not the first 'friend' I have developed deeper feelings for.

The first was Charlie.

A girl called Jessica from outside school had fancied me for ages and I didn't know - she told one of her friends - Claire; who happened to be dating a guy at my school and I guess he thought he'd get his brownie points by setting the two of us up.

His name is Charlie.

Charlie spoke to me about Jess, I asked her out once and we ended up dating. The relationship was pretty short-lived; as most relationships are when you're 15. But me and Charlie discovered we had a LOT in common, our thoughts, opinions, grievances and sense of humour were very similar. He had a group of friends, so when I started dating Jess he inserted me nicely into the group. When me and Jess broke up I stayed.

He broke up with his girlfriend shortly after and over time I watched him go from relationship to relationship. We became best friends. I didn't know it then, but he was textbook my type. He was independent, caring and slightly vulnerable. Annoyingly; I was sold.

My identity as a bisexual has always been present to me. I have always been attracted to both. I was convinced this was normal, being raised in a catholic school - where being gay is a 'choice', I guess I assumed that this meant EVERYONE was attracted to men AND women and that is what 'choosing' was about.


As time had gone on I became aware that I had developed strong feelings for Charlie, I was convinced they were just friendly.


Truth is I fancied the pants off him and all the sexual frustration was making me restless. I really couldn't stop thinking about guys. About him. During that period any female fantasies were completely replaced by male ones. I wanted to at least kiss a guy. I was convinced Charlie was up for it. Unfortunately I was equally convinced he wasn't and I knew I would never have the backbone to make anything happen, so I let it go. I wasn't going to get what I wanted.


At that age everyone we knew was having 'tent parties' - which entailed groups of us 15 year olds, climbing up into the fields behind school and camping over night. We'd drink, we'd play spin the bottle, we'd fool around. Teenage kicks.

Daniel, one of Charlie's friends, was throwing a tent party for his birthday that October in the half term. I didn't know him well, I'd met him once, but he remembered me and told Charlie to bring me.

The party started off pretty normally, we met at the bus stop, walked for about fifteen minutes. It started to get dark, so we pitched up the tents and started drinking the alco-pops (those were the days) Daniel had bought from the off-license with his brothers ID. Once a bottle was finished, he started the games...

Once we we're all sat in the circle for spin the bottle I started to notice there were less girls than boys. Really that should have been the biggest giveaway that Daniel was bisexual, but I was slightly oblivious. Dan span, it landed on Emma, I span it landed on Caitlin, Charlie span and it landed on Dan.

To my experience, this outcome normally resulted in a gay joke and a re-spin. So when Charlie leaned over and pulled Dan in for a long kiss, I was expectedly confused.

(Maybe a little bit turned on...)

The game continued and as we got more drunk the timings got higher, the kisses got deeper and naturally I had not landed one boy.

Eventually, well into the 20 second rule, I span the empty WKD bottle on the tent floor and it pointed to Jon. Daniels friend, (in retrospect pretty good looking? I dunno I was fifteen, everyone was good looking...)

He kissed me and I just remember how weird it felt. Different. In a good way. It certainly didn't feel like any other kiss I'd had before... With girls I feel all butterfly-like in my stomach, whereas this was like someone had set off some fiery, explosion. In my veins. I felt really warm, excited and suddenly really powerful. Intense.

When I span again it was Dan and this time I pulled his head toward mine, without thinking I ran my hand round to the back of his head and I could feel him shuffle his body in closer along the waterproof mat, he pulled himself up to match my kneeling position and my hands slid down to his sides, I felt him place his hands along my jaw-line, pushing his hands up into my hair then down to my neck, I started to pull his hips in toward me. I stopped.

I suddenly became aware we were still playing a game. That everyone would be looking. Shit.

'Sam you're a good kisser!' he laughed slightly drunkenly. I just laughed back. I think a part of me didn't really believe it had just happened. 

'Well, happy birthday Dan!'. The game continued to Charlie's spin and, while I was still recovering from the Dan experience, the bottle landed on me again.

Dan declared we move up to the 30 second rule

Now I was bricking it. He laughed, he made a joke. I stayed where I was for a second, laughing desperately trying not to look eager.

'Oh - Go on then...' he said, in the spirit of routine and without hesitation he leaned in from my right and kissed me. He was a good kisser, but I refused to put my hands all over him, despite the fact I had spent the past few months thinking of nothing else. I thought it would be better like this.


He pulled me to face him more, running his left hand round my side, up toward my shoulders and as they ventured to the back of my head it pushed my body closer to him. Instinctively I slid my fingers into his hair, which seemed to spur him on. His free hand lifted to my other side as his kiss got slightly slower and deeper, I began to traipse my fingers down the front of his chest to the top of his thigh.

The kiss ended, the game carried on and the rest of the night Dan came up with ridiculous new games that required us all to kiss, not that anyone was objecting...

As time went on, I started dating a girl called Charlotte, who I met at the same party, and we had a pretty long and healthy relationship. I of course eventually stopped fancying Charlie and now we are just friends, and we certainly don't talk about that night, except in the occasional jokey reference...

It's definitely better like this.


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