a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. ( Hi. I'm going to be frank. I'm a bisexual. I know it seems like a blunt statement to open my first blog with (and even as I read it I feel a bit sickly) but it has taken me nine years to even admit this to myself and now 2010 is days away and THIS is the closest I have been to the closet doors. I know. Prett-y limp. I have known for a long time that I have been attracted to both men and women. (I think I was nine when I got my first 'crush' on a boy - Not that I really knew what that meant back then...). All this time I pretty much pushed it to the very back of my mind, I focused more on other stuff I was interested in, Music mainly. However over the past two years, my sexuality has been highlighted more than ever before, (I'll talk about all that at a later date) and its becoming painful to avoid the plain and simple facts. SO now a fortnight away from my twentieth birthday, I'm coming up to signing a record deal, my parents, friends, family, producers and bosses have completely no idea I'm bi and the debates in my head are so numerous I can't make sense of them. This blog is here to remedy that. I checked out davey wavey's blog ( and it has convinced me that the more you talk about it, the less scarier it becomes. Seeing as it's not really possible for me to do that 'in real life' I thought that here might be the place... And so here it is. I hope I haven't bored you ridiculously, I'm usually more fluent but I'm home for christmas and I had to be sure my parents wouldn't come waltzing in while I wrote this! I have written and re-written this blog so many times it stopped making sense to me about twenty minutes ago. Comments appreciated, but certainly not demanded. Have a Merry Festive season =) Sam |
26 December 2009 at 01:10
Hey. Wow, you really went into the archives of my blog, lol. It's rather dangerous back there; make sure you watch out :P
I'm fully out. Well, I am now. It was kind of forced onto to me around grade 10 or 11 (the school rumour mill was, as it is wont to do, publishing fact).
Interesting blog. One I might actually read :P
I try to update regularly but... yeah, you know how it gets haha.
Good to hear from you :) Keep faith :D x
(just one note: because of your template, when you go to add a comment, you can see word verification but can't see the box where you type it in. You can set up Blogger to make comments a pop-up, which might work better, or see if you can change the template to make it easier. Just fyi :) x)
26 December 2009 at 18:58
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I've been doing this for about six months and it's like therapy, only funnier.
I'm selectively out, which means that only my parents, my sis and my best friend know back here on the Island I come from. In Paris or NYC, usually workmates don't know, friends yes. Sometimes I don't remember who knows what... Anyway, whatever path you have ahead, we'll be here following.