
SO I've been away for a while.

I'm not going to pretend I have an amazing excuse. I guess I've been procrastinating and avoiding having to do the massive, but neccessary, update to get myself up to speed with everything.

However, uni has finished. I'm pretty much out of the closet! (thanks to this blog and a few special people) and I have even started dating?!

So I decided to start a new blog. To let the last six months(?!) rest in history and to start addressing the present. Properly.

You can find my NEW blog here, if you're bothered obviously!

How have you been?


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Sweet Dreams

When I first heard Beyonce's version of this song, I loved it - A brilliant tune and wonderfully performed... But it wasn't until I heard this artist; Tiffany, perform it that I actually 'listened' to the chorus. I realise just how well it rings with me at the moment...

So today I went down to London to negotiate my contract with the record label and it was truly one of the most exciting moments I have ever experienced! Of course now I have to sit down and go through the epic thing with their reps and my Dad.

It's nice to feel like my year is going well and it puts everything in a much more digestive perspective.

I don't know how everything will work out, but the next two years are set to be some of the most demanding of my life, and apparently the most exciting... I can't wait.

I am happy.

I realise my sexual identity is under-exploration and I feel that I have made progress at a speed I don't think I ever imagined in December!

There are so many things I am looking forward to because of it. First Pride festival. First time. First Boyfriend?

My career, something I have worked for since being very small, is progressing positively and I am surrounding by the most supportive people.

As cheesy as it will no doubt seem;

'Sweet Dream, or a Beautiful Nightmare, either way I don't want to wake up from you.'

Spot. On.


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I Am Running Out.

- Of many things. -

- Of time - Its been a really busy week and I keep forgetting to update because I have assessments, sheer sexual confusion and people keep having birthdays. I'm sorry. I let myself down. Consider this a reformation...

- Of patience - Damn it! when Ben came down he was really strange. He'd been a little weird when I met him and Dave in Morrisons (supermarket). I can't really explain it. He just was. We had a subdued evening after all - we ended up going back to Dave's accomodation and making a pizza from scratch. (mmmmmm). While Ben washed the pans, Dave went down to the third floor to put his washing in the dryer, I told him. He was silent for a while.

'Okaaaay' his face was unreadably calm, with that same untranslatable grin that makes me feel like I'm from another planet.

- Of hope - We talked, obviously Dave returned and we all discussed the 'joys' of sexuality. There we were, like a bunch of old men, sat discussing relationships on Davids big red sofa. Brilliant. In the flurry of discussion Ben told us he currently liked this other guy called Ryan who is apparently unobtainable (wonder how that feels?). I promptly gave up. In my head there was no point in trying anymore. And that weird energy that had always been present wasn't there, it was like I was just numb to it. URGH.

- Of energy - The conversation rebounded onto me when Ben asked me when I 'realised' it was something I had to do.


As honestly as I could, but without being obvious, I told him that I basically always felt this way, but a few years ago I really fancied this guy, 'and still do a little bit'. But it could never happen for many reasons. I wasn't really looking at him, I knew I would give myself away. When I eventually did look he had a much more serious look on his face.

'You should tell him, even if nothing can happen at least you can discuss it.'

I say it was a serious look because Ben doesn't usually hold eye contact for very long, but he was staring at me.

- Of sanity - Naturally this weird behaviour kickstarted my head into psychodrive and I began analysing everything he said and did. Square One. Brilliant.

We all slept on Dave's bed in sleeping bags. Dave's head at the bottom of the bed and Me and Ben at the top. I slept with my back to Ben, but when I woke up in the morning I must have rolled over, I could feel the wall at my back. I blinked my eyes open, and Ben was facing me.

His eyes quickly shut.

He'd been looking at me?!

I stared at him, I was a bit shocked, I wasn't even sure I had just seen it. Did I?

I watched the blood rush into his cheeks. He was blushing. His eyes closed he rolled over, as though he was sleeping, onto his back.

I would like to say that the hope it filled me with was comforting. Or exciting.

But it was just. Shit.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

There is no better word. Now I have to deal with my own mind. AGAIN.

I don't have time to live in the debate. I don't have time to do this for another fucking four months.

- Of Excuses - I don't want to taint the friendship by bringing it up if I'm making it up, but after last Sunday I don't think I am. I need to feel sane again?!

Maybe I've got enough good friends...?


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The Ben Complex

Have you ever felt gutted you missed an oppertunity? To say or do something vital and you missed it because you were too cautious?


I ask because after I failed to act when I felt Ben was flirting, Given another chance I would do it differently but equally sure it would probably just lead to embarrassment anyway. I accept it. I move on. 

Though I beat myself up for ages. I made a kind of peace with it; I mean his new boyfriend is so nice, handsome, honest and charming. Pretty perfect for Ben really, so I'm learning to be happy about it. Damn him and his long term relationship material self. LOL.

Ben messaged me on Facebook this morning saying he would be visiting Dave this weekend and asking if I have time to go out with them (me and Dave live in the same city). I agreed, he's never come up here in the middle of the semester. As I went back to my homepage I saw on my news feed:

'Ben McDonald changed his relationship status to 'Single'



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Step Three. Freedom.

So I've been away in Italy for a while, I went snowboarding with my Dad and my brother.

Before we left England I told my mum in our kitchen. She just smiled. Apparently she's always known. She says her and Dad had always thought it.

Specialising in sexual health she is well informed on the Kinsey scale. Which makes it easy to explain. I'm a 4. Done.

Halfway up a mountain in Italy I told my brother and he took it better than I could have ever thought. He laughed and was offended I thought he would take it any other way! Guess that shows me. Naturally the next day he had a million questions. Perfect.
To celebrate, Sam (from work) took me out 'on the gay'. My second time there, but first time 'out'.

Two friends from my course came with us, James and Martin. After I came out to them Martin spent the evening coming on to me (but in the 'I'm straight, but when I get drunk I just turn really gay' vibe... whatever Martin. I know you're a 5.) a barman walked by and just gave me his number (seriously! AND he was fit... 'Sean.') but Martin said he was a whore, when I asked how he knew he dodged the question. But fair enough. I'm keeping the number though. Who knows if that will ever happen again!

The evening was great, but evidently I recognise Martin may be closeted too. It made me realise just how messy it can be. How messy it was. And realise how lucky I am I have not had to endure anything more painful than the torment of my own mind in the closet.

I'm starting to feel free. With Raquel in the house I can talk to her whenever I want. With Andrea and Charlie knowing I feel closer to my friends again. I have mended all the bridges I couldn't maintain in the closet.

All in two weeks. High five?

But there's still a little way to go. But now at least. I feel de-closeted.

To Tell:
Ben and other mates.
Miki and other housemates.

I'm back.


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The Second Step

SO... okay it's been a while. But I have had a busy week!

but first thing's first

Ben's party

Ben is staying in halls ('dorms' for the non-brit) in Manchester and he had invited a few people round for a party at his the friday night. I came early, before everyone else but I was later than planned and other arrivals were imminent, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him alone, which is probably a good thing because I have no idea what I might have said...

Dave, a friend from home who recently came out, came too. as did Jamie, Ben's ex; who I have never really spoke to, except when he was with Ben obv. and this other guy Nathan, also gay, came too in addition to some random others, who I haven't really met before...

We all got drunk in the house, then went out to two bars. Then Ben ended up going back to the house with some of the other guests. Leaving me, Dave, Nathan, Jamie and some others just floating. We all ended up going to Canal Street (someone had covered two of the letters to spell 'anal treet' lol - love it.) It was great, music was wicked, just had a great time.

Dave and I were walking back ahead of the group together talking. I was relaxed. I don't know why but I told him. Everything.

It just felt right...

This Thursday I went home for Charlie's birthday and I was talking to him and I told him. Nearly everything (skipped the 'I used to have a crush on you part... that would've been weird...') and he was more than fine with it. It was out of the blue but great.

It just felt right...

But the MOST amazing thing of all happened today.

Me and Raquel (my flatmate) went to Fibre; a gay bar where Miki works, to surprise him. We got there and he wasn't there. So we sat down. She was talking about relationships and I could feel the 'I have to tell you' feeling building up inside me. She was reaching the end of her romantic dilemmas rant and I could see the reciprocating question stampeding toward the conversation... so I prepared myself. I built my speech up to it. The words all planned.

Problem was I couldn't get the words out. It was too risky. Far too high pressure. We were in a public place. I was getting embarassed. I blushed. Heavily. My god. (I'm mixed race. trust me. blushing is a feat within itself....) 

She saw me struggling with it so long I could tell I was giving myself away. She was smiling and I knew she had figured it out.

'Are you trying to say you like guys Sam?'


'Yeah. Kind of. Yeah Basically'

'Okay... so why are you making such a big deal out of it?'

I laughed. Relief and genuine hilarity.

She took it well. Great actually. We talked at great length but had to stop cos Raya came and met us (a girl I was with in freshers, I figured telling her then would have been awkward in more ways than I needed at that moment)

THEN My phone rang. It was Andrea.

Andrea and I have been BEST BEST BEST friends since we were 6 years old. We are like minded in nearly every possible way, she is a lot more carefully planned and executed than me, but that aside... We have always had a deep, unexplainable, connection. We are literally like siblings and above everyone, her reaction is the one I feared. The one that would literally make or break the coming out process. Which is why I have been putting it off.

I answered the phone and I can't explain it, but before she even spoke I could tell she was about to tell me something important. I excused myself from the conversation with Raquel and Raya and went outside.

We were talking. She told me she had something to tell me and I said I did too.

I told her I was attracted to guys.

She was fine with it.

She told me that she has gender identity disorder (I think that's its proper name???)

I was fine with it.

The conversation went on for at least two hours... surgery (hers), coming out (both of ours), men(mine), our past. All under scrutiny. Beautiful. You couldn't put it in a film, honestly surreal...

I said I have always kind of known. She said she always kind of knew about me.

Why have we wasted so much time?!


I feel so strong now she knows. I cant explain that either. Now she is fine with it I just feel like I can tell anyone else and I DON'T care how they take it. I guess she is the only person I know I can't live in the disapproval of. 

I have NEVER felt this happy to be me.


Good. Times.

- Bit hyper as you can imagine. Sorry if it makes no sense!


p.s. Eduardo and i_lk_me - I'm not gonna lie. I REALLY couldn't have made a single step without your support. Whatever ends up happening  - I can't thank you enough for helping me come to terms with myself and my identity and of course being here for the closeted madness from day one... How you put up with all this is a testament to your endurance.

Thanks for making me feel a LITTLE less crazy.


Major love

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Four Times The Stomach

I am ready.

I think.

I know.

I know?

SO I'm all prepared mentally to tell Jenny. Only problem is she's so preoccupied with her girlfriend.

I mean CONSTANTLY. Which I am obviously happy for her about. I mean she's had such awful relationships with girls before who just walked all over her. She's so giving of her heart (which is why I feel comfortable about telling her) and that, of course, made her vulnerable to dickheads. 

Her current girlfriend is wicked and I enjoy her company. But I kinda need to be alone with her, but whenever I try and organise time to meet up she's already busy. Its like any spare time is for her g/f.

It's no big and there is certainly no rush. Its just annoying atm!

Second. Seeing my family the other day was the most (halairious) re-energising thing ever. I definately needed it. I forget just how much of an effect they have on me. For the past couple times I have been down home I have been imagining telling her. Telling any of them...

I couldn't visualise it before. In the atmosphere I couldn't even imagine the words leaving my mouth. But this time I felt compelled AND relaxed. Like it was going to burst out of me with the next bout of laughter. Even better I got the vibe that if I had it would have gone down pretty well. I'm learning to trust my gut a little more.

I really want to tell my mum and Jenny. I feel like this is the next step. Even if it isn't the logical one.... I don't know.

Thirdly. Guess who wont stop texting me...?



After the way he spoke to me on Sunday I had made no effort to reply. I had to get my head back together.

He bugged me with messages on Monday until I finally replied.

But I'm taking a step back. Clearly things are moving too fast for me. I think he can sense that. He's being a lot more compassionate. Checking I'm alright. Asking what I'm up to...

Everything about him is apologetic. So I think he got the message.

The act needs to change.


Ben has invited me up to Manchester for a house party at his on Friday. No big.

I messaged him asking what time to come...

'whenever, if u come early its fine, I'm still off uni until monday so we can always just have a wander round or something, so upto you =) and it would be nice to see you. x'

It would be nice to see you too....


Maybe I should tell him? (that I'm bi, not that I'm a catastrophically infatuated with him)

I mean, dear god I know he would accept it.

Or it could be really awkward and the elephant in the room would swell to double its size...

I'll just play by ear...

Like I said. I'm learning to trust my gut.

I'm trying to.

I might still end up being wrong.

But it's still better than failing to stomach it and beating myself up with possibilities.



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