Sweet Dreams

When I first heard Beyonce's version of this song, I loved it - A brilliant tune and wonderfully performed... But it wasn't until I heard this artist; Tiffany, perform it that I actually 'listened' to the chorus. I realise just how well it rings with me at the moment...

So today I went down to London to negotiate my contract with the record label and it was truly one of the most exciting moments I have ever experienced! Of course now I have to sit down and go through the epic thing with their reps and my Dad.

It's nice to feel like my year is going well and it puts everything in a much more digestive perspective.

I don't know how everything will work out, but the next two years are set to be some of the most demanding of my life, and apparently the most exciting... I can't wait.

I am happy.

I realise my sexual identity is under-exploration and I feel that I have made progress at a speed I don't think I ever imagined in December!

There are so many things I am looking forward to because of it. First Pride festival. First time. First Boyfriend?

My career, something I have worked for since being very small, is progressing positively and I am surrounding by the most supportive people.

As cheesy as it will no doubt seem;

'Sweet Dream, or a Beautiful Nightmare, either way I don't want to wake up from you.'

Spot. On.


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1 Response to "Sweet Dreams"

  1. TOY COUTURE says:
    18 March 2010 at 23:33

    Congratulations on your record contract!!!!

    That cover was absolutely beautiful!!