It know it's stupid, but...

I might be stupid, but....
I was 'scanning' this blog I found called GayBodyBlog and this guy just jumped out at me... 

It convinced me that, contrary to my own belief, I must have a type

I mean taking into account aesthetics and personality - I think subconsciously everybody must have a type? If I can look at someone (like this guy for example) and instantly feel some kind of attraction, then there must be someone who can look at this same image and feel repelled (you??) and so (assuming these two statements are true) we must be using some kind of mental checklist or template to make these instantaneous decisions... right?... maybe?

It might be stupid, but...

I think with guys its more about 'cuteness' for me. I mean this guy; Michael Edward... textbook cuteness, but manly enough to not look twinky or yaoi.
I also know I dislike hairiness... not really bothered about anything else, size, muscles, height... ideally 2/3 is poetry... 

I have no idea where this preference comes from...? 

I just know that, above all, I like it when they're caring.

It might be stupid, but...
I dislike weakness in myself. I know that I am always putting up a front and it takes a lot for something to get to me, yet I always hold people at arms length and I'm not entirely sure why...? Maybe subconsciously I don't think I'm good enough, so I downplay everything so I don't draw attention to the aspects of myself that I cant have 100% control over. It means that I don't take romantic risks. I mean when I think about it I have never asked anyone out if I wasn't 100% sure they liked me first. Either that or I waited to be asked. I convince myself that it's because I don't want to force myself onto people, but actually its just fear of rejection. Especially around men. I seek their approval...

I know it's messed up, but...
it means all a guy has to do to win me over is be caring. Even more messed up that I know and accept this about myself...

And in terms of animal attraction I know I have always been more inclined to men, but I prevented myself from exploring that aspect of my identity pretty much since it surfaced so I haven't developed the intuition to tell whether they're attracted too, like I can tell with girls, so I just read into everything....

I know it's stupid but...
It is one of the reasons that I am going through this weirdness with Ben (who is gay but has no idea I am attracted to men... well he didn't till I once hinted at it... which is when all this weirdness began...) I cant tell whether the stuff that goes on between us now is me misreading him or him sending me some kind of signal. It's always present when we're together like a thickness in the air. I can't decipher the atmosphere...

And even if I could. I'm not entirely sure it would make a difference....
Im clearly mental.


Just thought I'd vent it...


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Losing It

'Yes I'd love for you to come over - We'll try out 'other things' ;) x'

This is the message I received from Alex late last night.

Which basically means, in my case, he wants to have sex.

I know that this should be good news. Well, it IS good news. It's not that I don't want to. I do want to. But I guess I'm just a bit hesitant...

For two reasons...

1. I assume he wants me to be on the recieving end (he said, long before he saw mine, he can't take anything bigger than himself so I can only assume I'm getting it...). Which is fine by me, but I have NO IDEA how to 'prepare' myself for such an event...

2. I'm actually getting pre-sex jitters. (seriously... could I be more cringeworthy?) when I first had (hetero) sex the same thing happened. I froze up. I bricked it. I was basically unable to form sentances on the way to my girlfriends house. Its like excited/constipation/sugar rush mixed together in your bowels. When I first went to Alex's house it was the same. Not. Fun.

So I'm kind of in limbo at the moment. But it's not a major drama. I think once I figure out the answer to 1. the rest will sort itself out...

To be fair as far as first times go I'm sure there are PLENTY of people who have been in worse positions. I guess I just don't really know what to expect?

The funny thing would be if I was completely off target and 'other things' didn't mean sex at all. But something else altogether. (handcuffs? ... cos I could go for that ... just saying).

But on the bright side. This blog was shorter.

Comments appreciated... Support REALLY appreciated... =S



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The 'Ben' Dream

Remember I mentioned there was a guy I was really attracted to?

Well I had a dream about him last night.

I think it might be because I wrote that post so late last night? I don't know -

I have never dreamt about Ben before. (the last 'crush' I dreamed about was a girl called Sierra from year 10 at secondary school!) But I'm unsure as to how to take it.

My dreams (aside from being rare in occurence) never seem to follow a narrative and are nearly always a symbolic apparation. (I once dreamed I was surrounded by women in red sari's walking on a river.) So I feel like, when they do happen, that they are usually trying to tell me something.

In this dream I was in a house (looked a bit like my aunties old house), stood at the bottom of the stairs, in the narrow hallway. The stairs were completely white and they stretched up onto the tudor style landing, a door was opposite the top of the stairs, it was open but I couldn't see what was inside. I looked up and Ben was sat at the top of the staircase, writing. I walked up and looked at him. We started having a conversation, but without words. I cant really explain it?!

I got this urge to kiss him, so I leaned in, he remained still. Then we sort of jumped back in time?

We we're both sat upright again, as though my kiss attempt never happened. I tried again and the same 'resetting' occurred. This time we both kinda moved in - and it reset. At this point I got annoyed and stood up. He followed me, turned me around on the landing and just as he looked like he was going to move in, my point of view changed. I was looking up from the bottom of the stairs, like I had at the start, at myself and Ben stood opposite each other, but a few seconds behind where we had just been. He looked (again) like he was about to kiss me and surprise sur-frikin-prise. Didn't. But instead he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me through the (inwardly opening) door. Then the dream ended.

SO most of the time when I dream like this I read them up online to interpret them. Everytime I have checked the interpretations have definitely rang true for me. SO here's what this apparently means...

To dream of a kiss, denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment. If the dream ends just about you are about to kiss someone, indicates that you are unsure of how he or she really feels about you.

To see a staircase in your dream, symbolizes change and transformation. 

To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicates that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual/emotional/material journey. It also represents material and thoughts that are coming to the surface. 

To dream that you are entering through a door, signifies new opportunities that will be presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside, signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery.


Naturally I'm struggling to decide whether all this is good or bad news. I mean, I feel it's definitely right, the higher understanding part, the change and transformation starting, the desire for self-discovery and certainly the not knowing how he feels about me. 

But up till now my feelings about him were something that I have been trying to avoid. Mainly because I wasn't 100% sure about what I felt and since I never really had any confirmation from anywhere about it, I suppose I have been pushing it to the back of my head and trying to rationalise it out of existence. And yet here it is; subconsciously official, that I care a lot more than I am pretending to.


I guess he will have to be subject of the next LONG blog I feel like posting...

In the meantime I think I'm going over to Manchester to see Alex on my day off next week so I have a temporary distraction. lol.

Hope you're enjoying Boxing Day - sorry If you have work tomorrow =( - unless you enjoy work, in which case... well... I'm not sorry =)

As always if you're feeling a comment, drop it on me


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So this is Christmas...

Pretty subdued Christmas this year, but I have really enjoyed it!

If I'm honest It's mainly because I am the proud owner of an new iPod =) after my old one broke I was pretty aimless so now my music collection has purpose (did someone set off the lame alarm? ah yes, that was me...).

Boxing Day looks like its gonna be pretty manic round here (still at my parents) 'cos my ENTIRE family is coming round, which pretty much means crammed to the rafters with loud caribbeans and rowdy northerners =). So there might not be a post tomorrow! just saying...

The first message I recieved this morning was from Alex. He does this 'innocent text message with hidden innuendo' thing. 'Merry Christmas! have a great day =) you going to cum  round again soon? :)'. I'm sure it doesn't need explaining... I hope it doesn't need explaining?!

Anyway it reminded me that I should probably get down the story about Alex now, cos I'll probably refer to him a bit and it's partly the reason why I started this blog, so settle in cos this is gonna be loong.

I'm pretty sure most closeted people find it difficult to find someone to even have discreet one off sex with, let alone frequent meetings, so I consider myself lucky to have met Alex. He was my first (and so far best) 'homo' experience - I met him on Manchester's Canal Street last December.

I had gone down because my (out) cousin Jordan was over from Canada so I offered to accompany him. (I can honestly say I had no idea Jordan was gay or that canal street was a gay area... seriously!). Needless to say when I got there I was surprised!

Alex has come along with a group of my cousins old mates (my cousin used to go to Manchester Uni before he moved). All of them now well into their thirties, I definately felt like young meat. Jordan explained to them I was 'straight' and they pretty much backed off, making the occasional flirty joke. 

I didn't dare make any kind of advance in return, certainly not with Jordan present. I played 'straight' pretty well I think. Until Alex (who hadn't been present for the 'he's straight' speech) came over, stood next to me at the bar and offered me a drink. One of Jordan's mates walked past him saying 'Good luck Alex he's straight' - Alex looked a little put out 'Oh sorry, I didn't realise' and backed away a little, suddenly aware of how close he was. And without thinking I replied;

'Well if you give up that easily...'

My heart beated a little faster just saying it. It was as though the horny gay part of me I had chained to a pole in the darkness of my head suddenly gained control. Alex had a weird look on his face, like what you would get if you blended 'knowing' and 'confusion' with 'a hint of excitement' and smeared it onto someone's face.

We all split to go to different bars (I followed Jordan obviously) so we all swapped numbers to meet up again. Later I was pissed and dancing with my cousin and his potential pull for the evening(David? Daniel?) when Alex messaged me to meet him in the downstairs room. I agreed.

I remember my heart racing. I had had dreams where mysterious guys pulled me off into dark corners and hidden villas and all sorts of imaginary pre-pubescent drivel, but I always woke up before anything exciting occurred. So I was a little convinced it wasn't actually going to happen. Whatever 'it' was.

I remember we stood face to face on the semi-busy downstairs dancefloor, we shuffled a dance for a moment, but he was looking at me so intently that I knew this wasn't why we were here. He began to speak to me and then, slightly drunkenly hugged me really close to him, (he was still speaking but I don't remember what he was saying) all I could focus on was the smell of his hair and his cologne. I can still remember it now, a really non-musky manly fragrance. If there is such a thing.

He pulled away from the hug, he stopped talking. I looked down at him and then he kissed me. Lightly at first. Just once. Then he pulled away. 

He looked pretty embarrassed. He mumbled out an 'I'm sorry...' so I'm sure he was intending to speak but I had already resumed kissing him by this point so it was anybody's guess what would have followed. I could feel myself giving in to some really powerful new/old urge. I pulled him closer to me, I ran my hands along his stubbly jawline and into his hair, he slid his hands down my back and pulled my hips in toward him. I can't really do it justice here, but it just felt, romantic. Weirdly.

We met up a couple of times later that night, kissing in hideaways in the club. He made sure no-one ever saw us. He checked I went home okay. And as soon as I got to bed the texts began.

Over the last year I've been to his house in Manchester (discreetly) a few times. Everytime is pretty great and he is definitely the reason I'm at this point now. I know that if I hadn't met him, I would be no closer to coming out than I was two years ago.

Mainly because before I couldn't visualise myself in a 'relationship' situation with a guy. Everything I had ever seen or heard about gay male relationships suggested that it was just about getting laid as often as possible before you die. So being treated like the 'date' (took me a while to get used to it) and not just fooling around, but watching films and debating music, watching him work on his production reels (he's a writer and producer for few BBC 3 shows) was very unexpected!

The experience has showed me what being with the right kind of guy can be like. I suddenly realised that I could have RELATIONSHIPS. Not with Alex, obviously. He's 37 and we are both enfatuated with other people (but we'll talk about that at a later date!) but at least this way we can both be a little bit more happy and vent to each other, even if its only for a short while.

SO basically I haven't seen him since september (visit number 4), he's been producing in L.A. but he text me last week to let me know he was back, check I was alive, catch up a bit etc. Naturally ever since I found out he was back in the UK I've wanted to 'cum' over to his for a while, but I always wait to be asked. And now here it is, now I've just got to find some time (and a good excuse...)

It's all research at the end of the day.... =)

Anyway I hope you had a wicked christmas... and I hope this blog makes sense; it's defo too long! but I've been checking this over on the house computer again, (which is why I'm posting so late) so I'm a bit on edge... lol.

'Seasons Greetings'


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a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. (

Hi. I'm going to be frank. I'm a bisexual.

I know it seems like a blunt statement to open my first blog with (and even as I read it I feel a bit sickly) but it has taken me nine years to even admit this to myself and now 2010 is days away and THIS is the closest I have been to the closet doors. I know. Prett-y limp.

I have known for a long time that I have been attracted to both men and women. (I think I was nine when I got my first 'crush' on a boy - Not that I really knew what that meant back then...). All this time I pretty much pushed it to the very back of my mind, I focused more on other stuff I was interested in, Music mainly. However over the past two years, my sexuality has been highlighted more than ever before, (I'll talk about all that at a later date) and its becoming painful to avoid the plain and simple facts.

SO now a fortnight away from my twentieth birthday, I'm coming up to signing a record deal, my parents, friends, family, producers and bosses have completely no idea I'm bi and the debates in my head are so numerous I can't make sense of them. This blog is here to remedy that. I checked out davey wavey's blog ( and it has convinced me that the more you talk about it, the less scarier it becomes. Seeing as it's not really possible for me to do that 'in real life' I thought that here might be the place...

And so here it is. I hope I haven't bored you ridiculously, I'm usually more fluent but I'm home for christmas and I had to be sure my parents wouldn't come waltzing in while I wrote this! I have written and re-written this blog so many times it stopped making sense to me about twenty minutes ago.

Comments appreciated, but certainly not demanded.

Have a Merry Festive season =)


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